Changing the default Command on Symfony Console Component
A new feature that I purposed to Symfony Console Component and developed at SymfonyCon Hack Day was merged this week and will be available since version 2.5+.
The feature will allow you to change the default Command when you are creating Console Applications.
Before this if you don’t provide the command you want to execute it executes the ListCommandby default, with this feature you are now able to change that behavior by simple setting the Command you want to be the default. Let’s see how you can do it:
Now that we have our HelloWorldCommand let’s create the application and make it the default command:
$ php application.php
$ Hello World
Simple, if you want to list all commands you just need to do php app.php list.
The default command does not accept arguments only options.
Note: I added a new entry to Symfony Console Component documentation that should be is available in the Symfony website soon.